Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Portfolio Preface

John Lennon once said, “You may say I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one.”  I come from a world where being a dreamer is all you can be.  Dreaming is the only place where there are no limits to your imagination and where freedom actually applies to its definition. Without dreaming, life would be so meaningless. That’s why I take every opportunity I can to dream about whatever my mind wants. I’m the type of guy that likes to sit back, relax, and enjoy whatever life offers you. It might sound like a peachy life style, but it can be bittersweet. I love to watch nature work at its finest by taking strolls in the park, swim at the beach, and focus on the beautiful aspects of wildlife we are surrounded with.  I believe in peace and hope someday I will make a difference in this world just like our great leaders Martin Luther King Jr. and Ghandi did.

This semester, my mind has completely changed on the aspects of food. I use to believe food was made to keep you healthy but after learning about the food industry, I learned that corporations just care about the money and not the lives of their customers. The truth began to unravel as soon as we watched the film, “Food Inc.” in class.  The movie discussed how animals were being treated in these so-called “farms”. Without a gentle touch or seeing the light of day, chickens, cows, and other farm animals are brutally genetically modified to develop faster so that they reach slaughter age quicker for commercial use. The animals get all these types of diseases and are still sold even though they are contaminated. The process starts off with raising the animals and feeding them food that has chemicals in it to make them grow faster and then once it reaches the perfect weight, they are killed and the meat goes through another coat of chemicals. Animal meat isn’t the only thing that companies manipulate. They have found a way to manipulate crops and water as well. Water is being cleansed with chemicals that were once used in war and now we are drinking that water. As profits go up, these water corporations search all over the world for fresh water, which is running out quicker every day. Crops are also given coats of chemicals so that they grow quicker for merchandise.  Our ways of growing our food have become unethical and has to be stopped.

My essay, “The Retrogression of Poultry Farming”, discusses how chicken farming has gone through some major transformations over time. It went from nurturing chickens by hand to squishing hundreds of them into a small dark room. Without any special connections between the farmer and the chickens, they are brutally raised using special chemicals to make their bodies grow faster. There are different types of chickens like for example there are broiler chickens, which are the ones that are killed for their meat, and then there are the egg-laying hens. Both play a big role in the industry because both are exploit for their resources. The egg-laying hens aren’t fed or watered just to make them molt into a new egg-laying cycle. Once they are out of laying eggs, they are killed just like the rest of the hens.  Many people don’t want to step up and bring this unethical case to justice because they are perfectly fine with the system. The only concern is that the current system isn’t considerate of animal rights and isn’t healthy for us either.

My essay, “Those Beach Days”, talks about one of my trips to the beach that had a lot of meaning to me. The trip took place throughout the afternoon and night at Venice beach with one of my good friends. Since the prompt of the essay was to write and observe the surroundings and capture the essence at the moment, that’s exactly what I ended up doing. I described the temperature, sound, and movement of the water and everything else that surrounded me. I ended up making a new friend with a little lizard that was at the beach. The situation that brought me to the beach was that I was going through a break up and my good friend was trying to cheer me up. Overall I ended up having a deep conversation and finding a precious rock to remind me of that day.

This semester not only taught me new things but it also embraced a part of me, which was the environment. Writing about my surroundings and the works of nature always satisfies the soul and soothes you within. You learn something new everyday and that’s what I kept doing every. The fact that I know what’s going on with our food motivates me to advocate this to the world and begin a revolution. Since I want to become a revolutionary leader, I’ll probably fight for animal rights and human rights in general. Its time for us to step up and fight for what’s right. The fight might be a struggle but at the end it’ll be worth it.

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